Monday, November 8, 2010

Another Brainwashed Mormon?

This video reminded me of so many things my parents and the Church has taught me that I had to share it.

I know that if I was brainwashed not to drink alcohol, they did me a favor.
My mother's liver failed when she was pregnant with my younger brother. If she had followed the ways of the world as a teenager, she would have died and I would be left without a mother.
Some of my friends have died or been critically injured from alcohol use. As a result of my parents' diligence, I am save and well, while their parents weep. After a surgery several years ago, I found out that I have a weak liver like my mother. If I were to have joined my friends, my liver would have been much more susceptible and I would have become a victim earlier than them, or not survived the surgery.

I know that if I was brainwashed to pay tithing, they did my friends a favor.
My best friends dad was laid off when we were little. His parents absolutely loved children and had a large family. When his dad was no longer able to support them, because the economy went bad, they noticed how important even toilet paper is when times are bad. The church stepped in and provided food, clothing, and toilet paper with church funds.

I know that if I've been brainwashed to focus on family, they did my family a favor.
As a teenager, I spent most of my evenings helping my siblings with homework, helping my parents and reminding them I love them, and nursing my grandparents, rather than going out with my friends.

I know that if I was brainwashed to respect and serve women, they did my mom a favor.
The priesthood is a responsibility to serve women, and holding it taught me to be quick to obey my mother, just as Jesus Christ, who I represent with the priesthood, obeyed his mother.

I know that if I was brainwashed to hold marriage as sacred, they did my future wife a favor.
By avoiding pornography and keeping the law of chastity, I'll show her that I value her as a daughter of God and cherish our marriage as a joy of great value.

I know that if I was brainwashed to perform service regularly, they did my community a favor.
As a Eagle Scout I organized service project beyond those required for recognition.  At my former elementary school I repainted the black top to help out their PE classes, and organized activities such as magic shows for them.

If I was brainwashed to worship God the Father, they did those I work with a favor.
At all times I know I am accountable to act in a way that will please my Father in heaven.   Even when no one can see, or no one else will find out, I know he does.  Those that I serve and work with will be able to rely on my integrity and dependability.  They'll know that someone oversees me, even when they can't.

If they brainwashed me to serve a mission, they did the world a favor.
On my mission I've been able to serve among 50,000 full-time missionaries who are dedicated to publishing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.  Personally, I've had the opportunity to teach people on two continents to joy of following Jesus Christ and I'd never regret it.  On my mission, I've learned to rely on Jesus Christ, and learned that he is more than a crutch to hold up the weak, but the Savior of the weak and the strong.  Not only will he hold us up, but elevate us to reach rewards no mortal could achieve by their own efforts.  I'm proud that I can follow him instead of the crowd.

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