Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Make Your Own Mormon Message"

The call for members to share the gospel on the internet by creating their own videos that explain our beliefs has been brought to a higher level.  Most members have seen the variety of entertaining Mormon Messages that have been produced through official media. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is calling out to members to create their own Mormon Messages and post them on YouTube.  As an additional incentive, the Church has started an international video contest that will pick finalists and award prizes to the members with the best videos.  The Church looking for submissions from individual members, auxiliary groups, or whole wards and branches.
Here is a great example by the Palmhurst Ward in the Las Vegas Nevada Sandstone Stake.

We shouldn't be worried if we feel our videos are amateur or we don't feel that they are the same production quality as the official Mormon Messages.  There's actually and amateur category.  I know mine will fall in it.  "The power of personal" is exactly what we're looking for and the Mormon Messages should reflect who we are.  That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to keep them from being sloppy either.
For mine, I've started working on a message about what my parents have taught me about the resurrection.
Also, the Church has given specific guidelines for using approved music and use of copyrighted materials.
Before you begin, I'd recommend looking through the Church's existing Mormon Messages and videos already posted on YouTube for ideas.  You'll also want to become familiar with the guidelines the Church's audiovisual department has given to be eligible.  If you have an idea that does not meet these requirements you can still make it to share if it doesn't break any copyright laws.

It doesn't take much equipment to get started either.  If you have a digital camera or webcam, most have a record feature or you can make a slideshow of still photos.  There's lots of free software out there like  Windows Movie Maker or One True Media that you can use to sharpen it up, add simple effects, and make it more professional.

When you're all finished with your Mormon Message, you'll need to post it publicly on YouTube and fill out the Entry Form to submit your video for the contest.  Be sure to invite everyone to see it.
Let's see what we can make!

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